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Vibrational Colour

If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy frequency and vibration.
Nicola Tesla


The spectrum of light is the frequency of matter. No matter where we look; be it in science with light wave technology, or in nature when looking at a rainbows spectrum, or in ancient wisdom in reference to chakras, or in modern wisdom with colour psychology, colour is a constant that imbues us with knowledge of self.

Through colour we can realise who we are at the very core of our being.

Matter is energy – energy is frequency – frequency is colour

Colour is absolute! Colour is an emotional state that is either empowered or out of balance depending on our personal level of mastery. To work with colour at the highest level is to work with the energy centres intimately so as to gain awareness of our personal frequency. Consciousness resides within this map, within the fear to fearless frequency range. The work concludes at unity consciousness and the only way to traverse this landscape is to masterfully redirect thought with the intention that balances each frequency of colour.

So lets go through each colour to realise the emotional empowerment each frequency has on our lives.

The colour spectrum ranges from Black / Red / Orange / Yellow / Green / Light Blue / Dark Blue / Purple / White – Below is a chart that shows the frequency inherent in colour. What you will discover is that the lower frequencies (radio waves) work with the lower energy centres and that the higher frequencies (gamma rays) work with the higher energy centres. Don’t think of the energy centres as one specific colour, instead think of them as the spectrum of colour beginning below your body, going up your spine and exploding out of the top of your head, moving beyond the body and into the ether. This is what actually happens when deep states of meditation are experienced, referred to as the rising of the serpent – Kundalini Yoga.

The light spectrum vibrates at different speeds giving us the colour we see and so when working with the energy centres, don’t get fixated on one colour – orange for example vibrates through dark orange, pink and light orange and so on and so forth. So now that you understand how colour vibrates, ‘raising your vibration’ takes on a whole new meaning because now we can actually understand how to raise it methodically through the energy centres.





The First Energy Center – Survival
Based at the seat of the spine, Scarlet Red is the frequency of survival.
Alert, vigilant and primal – Red is an instinctual colour that faces the fear and powers over.



The Second Energy Center – Pleasure
Based below the belly button, Sunset Orange is the frequency of pleasure.
Passion, amusement and sexuality – Orange is a sensual colour that allows the feast, allows the me time, allows the relaxation, allows the self to experience whatever may please it.



The Third Energy Center – Power
Based above the belly button, Golden Yellow is the frequency of self-empowerment.
Confident, friendly and respectful – Yellow is a strong emotional colour that commands respect because of the confidence and optimism that stems from the will being in constant action.



The Fourth Energy Center – Love
Based at the heart region, Green is the frequency of love.
Compassion, kindness and wellbeing – Green is a benevolent colour that supports healthy relationships with self, with others, with animals and with mother nature.



The Fifth Energy Center – Communication
Based at the throat region, Aqua Blue is the frequency of expression through speech and action.
Intellectual, truthful and well spoken – Blue is a trustworthy colour that promotes a communication style that’s completely independent and hides no shame.



The Sixth Energy Center – Intuition
Based in between the eyes, Dark Blue is the frequency of intuition.
Wise, mindful and psychic – Dark blue is a spiritual colour that explores consciousness through ritualistic expressions during mediation, dance, chanting and observance in nature.



The Seventh Energy Center – Cognition
Based inside the brain and is known as The Crown, Violet Purple is the frequency of cognition.
Present, childlike and evolved – Purple is a joyfully motivated colour that has paused the maddening head noise for a present moment union with life.



The Eighth Energy Center (and beyond) – Universal Transcendence
(Because of the varied material with ‘beyond the body’ energy centres, I have presented one name for all of them, focusing on the meditative practice of transcendence).

Based below and above the body, Black and White is the frequency of transcendence.
United, non judgmental and connected – Black and white is the yin yang expression of colour. Black being the grounded and courageous while white being exalted, entangled and universal.

At different times in our lives we need to focus on different things. Like when falling pregnant or when starting a new career. These pivotal times require more energy and so we focus in on power or love etc to satisfy the extra energy needed. This is how our energy system works and why it gets out of balance. There are spiritual strategies we can undertake to either empower a deficient centre or balance an excessive one.

The chakras are colour coded energy centers that focus in on specific parts of our lives and each of the eight centres vibrate at certain speeds, producing the inherit colour. So it stands to reason that seeing certain colours, expressing certain colours, holding certain colours close will influence that energy centre. It all comes back to intention and focus.

So once you start working on a colour that needs balance, your jewellery can become one of the most sacred and revered spiritual accessories you can own. Jewellery is personal and remains with you for the entire day keeping your focus in check, reminding you of the balance you need and so motivating new thoughts, which lead to new actions, which leads to balance.





Please don’t make the mistake of thinking that by wearing the stones your vibration will change. That is not what I am saying. The earth produces the most beautiful crystals that take hundreds of millions of years to create. We revere them, we work with them, we hunt them down around the globe and turn them into precious jewels. These gemstones have the inherit frequency within them. They own the colour because they have been forged within that vibration for millennia. This is why there are so many stone healers, who profess in the healing properties of the gems. If you are so inclined then yes use the gems in this manner. As a devout meditator my senses have become acute to energy frequency and so I can attest to this fact but because it is a subjective experience, it can become hooby gooby and fact checking is limited. For this reason we have decided to focus in on intention with the gemstones rather than the healing quality of the gems themselves.

I have included a video by Dr: Joe Dispenza the authority on energy centre meditations so that you can absorb both the rational work and the meditative work needed to explore the colour frequency of a balanced system.

Jewellery with intention is our core mission. When the intention is strong the jewellery becomes an authentic sacred power object, creating a deep resonance with the owner because just like a placebo, all of life is about intention and if your focused and wilful, your intention alone is all you need to transform your life.

By using Buddhist and Hindu principles jewellery is no longer just a beautiful statement of elegance and abundance. Jewellery transforms with intention to become an amulet for conscious empowerment. The little red Buddhist string that helps keep your focus on track, is now a precious piece of jewellery because your intention has made it so and so every time you wear your piece, your mind remains focused on the intention, creating the necessary daily mindfulness that habituates change.

We have made spiritual and scientific complexity easy to understand by giving each of the eight colours an archetypal goddess identity that acknowledges the strengths and weaknesses inherent within us. We have created a system for personal balance by aligning jewellery with thousand year old empowerment principles. When we give ourselves permission to support our unique imperfect self and start to embrace all that we are our light shines. This is awakening to all the facets of colour within our multi dimensionality and so the practice begins by understanding the eight frequencies and then honouring each with time so as to energise the deficient and excessive traits that lead to balance.

When a woman claims and accepts her shadow and no longer needs to hide from or change any part of herself she raises her frequency. She becomes a force of strength, an authentic voice and a courageous leader amongst us. This is a state of inner balance, a state that has empowered all aspects of self, all aspects of frequency, all aspects of colour.

“If you want a new outcome, you will have to break the habit of being yourself, and reinvent a new self.”
Dr. Joe Dispenza

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